I work within businesses to instil the importance of learning both to communicate and to listen. These two values are key for fostering overall wellbeing and success.

Trust within  businesses:

There are many people within one organisation: different situations, different realities and all kinds of emotions. As such, it is vital to learn to communicate, to listen and to interact tactfully in our daily dealings with this «human information». So-called emotional intelligence is, according to numerous experts, essential to unite a team and help to work towards objectives. All in all, it is the key to success in business.

“My experience with the Humanas team as a specialist in Managing Emotions has shown me that a company’s wealth resides in the emotional health of the people who work there”.

I organise customised courses on Dynamics of the Ego, Managing emotions for companies and Conflict resolution for companies, Improving enthusiasm, and Activities for good mental health.

I organise customised retreats in nature in order to really develop interior work in a more profound way. The duration of the retreats is variable and other professionals may be present, according to the objectives of the company.

Conflict resolution for companies

In situations of conflict, nobody is right and the problem belongs to everyone. Better results are achieved when the mediator is external, enabling participants to speak openly about what may not be working. The sooner the intervention, the sooner the conflict can be resolved.

Managing emotions for companies

For each and every one of us, it is important that our life has meaning. While it impossible for our lives to turn out perfectly, we can learn to perfectly experience any unexpected event. Understanding our own emotions, and those of others, enables us to consciously read and understand our reality. This transforms us into active creators of a healthy, authentic and peaceful work environment.

Managing change

Change within a company (and of the people who work there) can be unexpected, urgent and necessary. It is in these moments that an outside intervention may be necessary, in order to calmly make the change towards this new reality. Because every change presents an opportunity, particularly on a personal level.

Good practice in managing grief

Death is the opposite of birth. If birth is the door which allows us to enter into the experience that we call life, then death is the exit. Both of these are temporary states of transformation. Companies now have the opportunity to learn to live with grief with the same wisdom with which we view the birth of new beings.

Grief is also an opportunity to get closer, to look deep into each other’s’ eyes and hold each other. Now is the time for companies to see these events as a moment of personal growth and for all of the community within the organisation.


«Descubrí a Alberto hace años gracias a las RRSS, y comenzamos a colaborar en distintos proyectos de la mano de Humanas. Él es realmente innovador en el desarrollo de la gestión emocional en las empresas, además de ser la persona más adecuada para acompañarte en los procesos de duelo. Nuestra relación crece cada día y se consolida gracias a la visión conjunta y el compromiso por crear unas empresas más humanas. Trabajamos para que las personas se sientan bien y las organizaciones ganen en sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
Mónica Seara, CEO Humanas Salud Organizacional

«Una experiencia breve pero intensa, que te hace reflexionar y descubrir como, de manera sencilla, podemos mejorar día a día, viviendo el presente de manera plena. Un camino a continuar y seguir explorando.” Roland Palacios Sánchez
EDAFO, Director General
, Hospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona, España


If you would like more information or to organise
a first visit, you can contact me:

+34 600 467 524


gestión de las emociones


Por favor, seleccione una forma válida

Avinguda Diagonal 436, 1-1
08037 Barcelona

I travel to wherever necessary and for specific programmes. Let’s talk.

When distance makes it impossible to meet in person, it is possible to hold sessions via Skype, WhatsApp or Facetime.